The other day I heard something amazing…want to know what it is? It was this line, “Every breath we take is God breathing life into us.” Isn’t that amazing? Think about how many breathes you take in a day…that’s a lot isn’t it? So every time you take one of those breathes God is breathing life into you. He’s providing you the life that you are living! Incredible don’t you think?
Everyone takes life for granted sometimes…we all are busy with our work, friends, social events…usually too busy. With this busyness we can often lose sight of the “smaller” things that are going on around us; The grass growing, the world turning, the breathes we’re breathing. When was the last time you thought about your breathing? It’s something incredibly small, but earth-shatteringly large!
We are still breathing because we have a purpose that we have not yet fulfilled. I don’t know what yours is but I think mine has to do with spreading the Word of God…I don’t always remember this purpose, and I don’t always live out this purpose…but if I think of all the times that God has breathed life into me (every day…every breath) I need to be a better lamb to my shepherd.
Sometimes I forget how important it is to breathe, it’s our survival, it’s our will to live. It’s something that we do without thinking, but if I stop to think about it, God is breathing life into us…and if God is giving us life, shouldn’t we be shouting that from the rooftops?
God gave me life today…how about you?