Sunday, April 12, 2009

Who did you say you are?

So the other day I spent about 6-7 hours pretty much straight hanging out in Starbucks. In that time I met with 5 different friends (not all at once...). One of those friends I haven't seen in probably 2 years...crazy how time flies! I digress...I thought it was great to see people and sit and talk with them, all so different with so many different qualities and life experiences. I remember a conversation from years ago that really impacted my views on "friends." The gist of the conversation was that there are three types of relationships that you build in your life; Family, Friends, and Acquaintances.

Family: Family would include your immediate family (maybe some of your extended as well) as well as your close friends. Pretty much anyone that you are really close with and love as if they were your family. The kind of people you would extend a hand in any situation to help them.

Friends: Friends are those people that you would normally call friends or acquaintances but aren't really that close too. You probably have a surface level "friendship" with them, that could include people you have known for years, co-workers, etc. These people you probably have known for a while, but you could do without them (even though they are fun to be around!)

Acquaintances: These would be your connections and such. Your lawyer, real estate agent (pick Mark Nyman!!), bartender, whoever. These are people that you maybe went to high school with years ago, you know what I'm getting at.

While at Starbucks we talked about the various things in life, and one thing my friend said time and time again, "you just have to be who you are" (maybe not a direct quote...). Such a simple statement but yet there is so much truth to it. How many people do you know that are one way around certain people, and then a completely different person around others. I know a few of them and they really confuse/piss me off! Why? Because they are not being true to who they are and what they are all about. I can understand a bit if your going through puberty and trying to figure yourself out...but really...come on...who are you trying to fool?

Anyways, that quote really just made me excited about genuine people, and how much that I love talking to genuine people that are not afraid to be themselves. Well....I've rambled enough today....peace....and enjoy our God's life today....happy Easter!

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